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Brâncuși Month 2025 – Romanian contemporary sculpture exhibitions and awards

The fifth edition of the Luna Brâncuși series of events celebrating the artistic legacy of the artist Constantin Brâncuși in February is made up of exhibitions taking place in several venues in Bucharest. Brâncuși Month 2025 brings to the forefront the creations of 110 contemporary Romanian sculptors, whose works of sculpture and drawing will be exhibited at the Brâncovenești Palaces Mogoșoaia, the Romanian Academy Art Galleries and the Simeza Gallery. The event is organized by the Bucharest Sculpture Branch of the Romanian Fine Artists’ Union from February 1 to 28. “Through this event, we aim to honor Brâncuși’s innovative spirit and to offer the general public an insight into the diversity and dynamism of Romanian sculpture today. The exhibitions of Brâncuși Month 2025 will include works that combine traditional materials with innovative techniques, thus offering a foray into the artistic universe of new generations of sculptors,” say the organizers. Artists from all generations, including creative role models such as Ingo Glass and Paul Neagu, are being spotlighted.

Brâncuși Month 2025 Program

Brâncuși Month starts on February 1, at 15:00, with the opening of the exhibition at the Academia Gallery in the House of Scientists, at Calea Rahovei 176, where the artists exhibiting are: Roberto Apati, Cătălin Bădărau, Ioan Bolborea, Mihaela Boeru, Alin Carpen, Alin Caracaș, Panaite Chifu, Dumitru Cojocaru, Trandafira Cojocaru, Mircea Dăneasa, Claudiu Filimon, Reka Csapo Dup, Ovidiu Dumitru, Raluca Ghideanu, Emil Cristian Ghiță, Matei Emilian, Eugen Ilina, Ionel Iștoc, Costel Iacob, Cătălin Geană, Alexandru Marinete, Andrei Marina, Constantin Mârzea, Bianca Mann, Grigore Minea, Venus Mateescu, Ioan Medrut, Nicolae Răzvan Mincu, Alexandru Papuc, Adrian Piorescu, Cristian Pentelescu, Ana Zoe Pop, Alexandru Ranga, Dumitru Radu, Cristian Răduța, Mircea Roman, Mihai Rusen, Carmen Sămărtean, Emilian Savinescu, Stefan Siminic, Elena Scutaru, Marcel Scutaru, Silviu Spirescu, Irina Tănase, Florica Tănase, Constantin Ținteanu, Ovidiu Toader, Gabriela Tofan, Mihai Ungureanu, Cătălin Udrea, Adriana Untilov, Șerban Vrăbiescu, Filip Voicu and Florin Zhu.
Curators are Elena Scutaru, Nicolae Stoica and Alexandru Papuc.
At the Brâncovenești Palaces of Mogoșoaia (Sala Parter), from February 1 to February 27, the sculpture exhibition with works from the collection of C.C.P.P.B.P.B. (Cultural Center of Brâncovenești Palaces) and works from private collections signed by Arina Ailincăi, George Apostu , Geta Caragiu, Titi Ceară, Florin Codre, Sorin Dumitrescu, Darie Dup, Alexandru Gheorghiță, Vasile Gorduz, Ingo Glass, Peter Jecza, Ioan Marton, Bata Marianov, Ovidiu Maitec, Laurentiu Mogoșanu, I. L Murnu, Paul Neagu, Silvia Radu Oprea, Neculai Păduraru, Adrian Pirvu, Alexandru Pasat, Constantin Popovici, Vladimir Predescu, Liviu Russu, Virgil Scripcariu, Alexandru Siminic, Nicolae Stoica, Lucian Țăran, Napoleon Tiron, Paul Vasilescu, Aurel Vlad, Ion Vlasiu, Marian Zidaru, Victoria Zidaru and Gheorghe Zărnescu.
Curators are Doina Mândru, Victoria Zidaru and Siminic Alexandru.
The Emeritus Sculptor Prize and the Emerging Sculptor Prize, awarded by UAP Bucharest, will be presented in the Sala Scoarțelor, on February 19, 2025 (Constantin Brâncuși National Day), between 17:00 and 20:00. “Drawings by Sculptors”, the third exhibition of the Brâncuși Month, takes place at the Simeza Gallery from February 1 to 28. Also here, on the evening of February 28, the finale of Brancusi Month 2025 is scheduled.
The artists exhibiting at Simeza are: Alina Aldea, Paul Stefan Barbu, Bogdan Breza, Cristian Bedivan, Reka Csapo Dup, Elena Dumitrescu, Mihai Ecobici, Adrian Ilfoveanu, Adrian Ilfoveanu, Ioan Ladea, Ioan Medrut, Cătălin Oancea, Ileana Oancea, Radu Panait, Neculai Păduraru, Vlad Dan Perianu, Adrian Pirvu, Adrian Piorescu, Ana Zoe Pop, Sever Petrovici Popescu, Dumitru Radu, Elena Surdu Stănescu, Virgil Scripcariu, Valentin Soare, Florica Tanase, Maria Pop Timaru and Marian Zidaru.
Curators are Alina Aldea and Reka Csapo Dup.

Photo: The Fish by Constantin Brancusi (c)

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