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curatorial  /  Art   /  Monumental art – “We have our own ocean. Zorileanu”

Monumental art – “We have our own ocean. Zorileanu”

An imposing monument at the intersection of Paris, Prague and Warsaw streets in Bucharest is dedicated to Mircea Zorileanu (1883-1919), a Romanian aviation pioneer who participated in the First World War.

Made by sculptor Emil Ludovic Gové between 1930 and 1935, it was placed in Quito Square in 1937.

The monument is made of stone, iron and bronze and has several components that give it the appearance of a mausoleum. The rectangular pillars – on which are depicted figures in folk costume – support a platform with four eagles holding an earth globe on the equator of which are the signs of the zodiac.

On the pavement under which is kept the urn with the ashes of the aviator is inscribed the text “We have our own ocean. Zorileanu”.

Initially a cavalry lieutenant, Mircea Zorileanu was forced to interrupt his career due to accidents. He qualified as an aviator in 1911 and distinguished himself, being nicknamed ‘The Master’. He published several articles and papers on aviation and, in 1916, during the war, he mounted a machine gun on a flying machine for the first time and fired it.

Two years later, his health prevented him from working and he underwent treatment abroad. He died in Italy, where he was cremated. Later, according to, the urn with the ashes of the hero aviator was brought to the country and placed inside the monument’s pedestal, but a grave with the inscription Aviator Mircea Zorileanu was also identified at the Bellu Cemetery in Bucharest.

Photo credit: curatorial

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