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Spring-Summer exhibition season at the Art Museum Brasov

Art Museum Brasov announces the exhibition program for the spring-summer season and invites the public to explore a diversity of artistic perspectives. Works from the institution’s heritage, which analyze post-war art or the symbolism of reading in art, and contemporary creations investigating the urban and rural memory of Transylvania are brought to the fore.

Until March 16, visitors to the museum can admire a selection of 18th century portraits of personalities from Brasov in the exhibition “The Saxon Patriciate. A page from the history of Brasov”, based on research by Dr. Radu Popica.
During the month of March, the condition of post-war artists is at the center of the exhibition “Adela Petrescu: geometry of a pictorial dream”, presented to the public with the support of the Ivan Gallery and the Roxandra and Ion Grigorescu family. The exhibition includes, for the first time, a movie directed by Maria Grigorescu about the life and personality of the artist Adela Petrescu (1927-2019).

Highlights of spring-summer season

“Reading in art: between reality and symbol”, curated by Alexandra Ilnițchi-Ardelean, opens on March 20, 2025. It explores representations of reading in art, from status symbol and education to a means of intellectual emancipation and ideological control. Works on display from the museum’s holdings offer a glimpse into the evolution of these symbols over time.

“Rewritten Topographies”, curated by Alina Șerban, opens on April 10, 2025. The exhibition brings together four photographers from Brasov – Lucian Bran, Mihai Plătică, Horațiu Șovăială and Mihai Șovăială – in an exploration of the urban landscape and collective memory through photography. The selection includes images from museum archives and personal collections, offering a unique perspective on the city.

A solo exhibition of contemporary artist Bogdan Mihai Radu, curated by Mihai Zgondoiu, opens on April 25, 2025. The Siberian artist, based in London, uses light and color in a bold and dramatic manner, and his landscapes suggest the influences of abstract expressionism and the art of John Constable.

“Brasov, city of the arts”, curated by Alexandra Ilnițchi-Ardelean, is inaugurated on May 30, 2025, during the Days of the Art Museum Brasov. The exhibition brings together the works of 20 artists who have created artworks in the museum’s spaces, as part of the series of events “Re:Imagine Brasov – City of the Arts in 2024”: Andreea Bărgăoanu, Alexandra Călin, R von K, Ioan Aron Țăroi, Ema Voinescu, Lidia Kuneca, Raluca Morariu, Marcela Rădădulescu, Denisa Stoica, Szabó Zelmira, Claudia Bodo, Georgiana Chițac, Iulia Jugaru, Gabriela Marica, Miruna Oana Prunache, Alexandra Ciocan, Natalia Iarmenco, Ștefan Doru Moscu, Gabriela Radu, Victoria Țăroi Galbenu.

A solo exhibition of the artist Diana Serghiuță opens on June 20, 2025, curated by Mihai Zgondoiu. The artist, originally from Brasov and based in Arad, brings to her hometown a series of recent works, presented for the first time to the local public.

Art Museum Brasov honors the memory of the artist Boros Lajos (1929 – 2011) through a special exhibition that includes works from the family collection and the museum’s patrimony, offering an incursion into his creative universe and its impact on post-war art.
The exhibition, curated by Dr. Radu Popica, opens on August 8, 2025.

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