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The warmest year in the history of meteorological measurements in Romania

Globally, according to the ERA5 dataset provided by the Copernicus Climate Change Service, the average temperature in 2024 was 15.1°C, which is 1.6°C different from the 1850-1900 reference period. The largest warming of 1.6°C (compared to the 1850-1900 reference period) is in the Berkeley Earth dataset and the smallest warming of 1.34°C in the NOAA dataset, the Romanian Ministry of Environment said. In Romania, the average annual temperature was 12.991616°C and the temperature deviation was 2.7163°C compared to the average for the 1991-2020 period, the National Meteorological Administration said.

Temperature records for 2024 in Romania

Winter 2023-2024 was the warmest winter between 1900-2024, with an average temperature of 3.66°C and a deviation of +3.85°C compared to the average between 1991-2020 in the same season; Summer 2024 was the warmest summer between 1900-2024, with an average temperature of 22.80°C, and a deviation of +3.50°C compared to the 1991-2020 average; June, July and August were the hottest summer months on record, with temperature deviations of +3.20°C in August 2024, +3.50°C in July 2024 and 3.70°C in June 2024, compared to the thermal normal for those months; In summer 2024, the earliest code red heat wave was issued on June 22-23, and in July and August, code red was issued for the longest consecutive day intervals with persistent, intense and extended heat wave, i.e. 6 consecutive days in the periods July 13-18 and August 15-20, 2024; In the summer of 2024, 15 Code Red weather warnings were issued for heat wave, persistent heat wave and severe heat discomfort; The highest maximum temperatures were: 39.1°C in June 2024 in Alexandria, 41.7°C in July 2024 in Cernavodă and 41.1°C in August 2024 in Zimnicea. A total of 166 general weather alerts were issued in 2024, of which 18 were code red. Now-casting warnings totaled 3,063, of which 81 were code red. The statistics of the weather alerts in the period 2017-2024 reveal the increase in intensity, frequency and extension of the area of dangerous weather phenomena with impact on socio-economic activity in our country.

Fifth driest agricultural year

The agricultural year 2023 – 2024, i.e. the interval September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2024, was the fifth driest agricultural year, with an average annual average amount of 569.0 l/mp, in 8 months the precipitation was below the specific monthly norms, in 4 consecutive months (May-August) the rainfall deficits associated with high temperatures accentuated the state of strong and extreme soil drought in almost the entire country. The pedological drought in the agricultural year 2023-2024 was of long duration, worsening from month to month and progressively spreading especially in May-August 2024 in all agricultural areas of Romania. In conclusion, Berkeley Earth’s analysis shows that if the warming trend of the last 40 years globally continues, then around 2032 the 1.5°C threshold will be reached and around 2057 the 2.0°C threshold will be reached.

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