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Giulia Mangione, and Toma Hurduc show in Bucharest and Lillestrøm

The exhibition “Doom Mood”, which features Giulia Mangione (Norway) and Toma Hurduc (Romania), is on show at Is This Art? Photo Gallery in Bucharest and at the Nitja Center in Lillestrøm.
Giulia Mangione and Toma Hurduc examine existential fears and how these anxieties shape individual identities and community bonds.
Their projects confront the idea of imminent collapse, be it the slow road to disaster or the unnoticed erosion of reality, both closely linked to the growing threat of climate change. Curated by Angelica Maria and Matilda Ardeleanu.
After Bucharest, where it debuts on February 1, the exhibition will travel to Nitja Center in Norway. The event is part of “Next Generation of Artists”, a project that supports the training and promotion of young artists and curators, helping them to make their voices heard, nationally and internationally.

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